Internal Affairs
Butler Police Department
Internal Affairs
Anyone, including anonymous sources, juveniles, undocumented persons, and persons in custody, may file a complaint at any time, either in person, in writing, or over the telephone. The Civilian Complaint Form can be located by clicking here (I.A Forms). The Civilian Complaint Form is also available in eleven languages. Once completed, the form may be hand delivered or
mailed to the Butler Police Department 10 High St Butler NJ 07405 attention Internal Affairs
or emailed to
Internal Affairs Complaint forms and Procedures in 11 Languages
Click here
Departmental Internal Affairs Complaints
by Year
Pursuant to the Attorney General Internal Affairs Policies and Procedures and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Directive, a law enforcement agency must make public an annual report relating to certain Internal Affairs statistics. The following is the Butler Police Department’s annual report summarizing the types of Internal Affairs complaints received and the disposition of those complaints.
(click below for report)
Year 2016
Annual Major Discipline Reporting Form Sanction Pursuant to IAPP Section 9.11.2, every state, county, and local law enforcement agency in New Jersey is required to submit to the Attorney General and the County Prosecutor, and publish on the agency's public website, a brief synopsis of all complaints where a termination, reduction in rank or grade, and/or suspension of more than five days was assessed to an agency member. For the purposes of this report, please include all major disciplines in which a plea agreement was reached or final sanction was imposed during the time period listed below.