Borough of Butler Municipal Court
BE ADVISED: Butler and Riverdale Courts have merged services. Butler Court services will be conducted through the Riverdale Court Offices located at:
91 Newark Pompton Turnpike
Riverdale, NJ 07457
During the COVID-19 pandemic, municipal courts have cancelled their in person court sessions. With the use of technology, certain cases may be able to be heard and adjudicated remotely. It is advised that you contact the court to set up a video court proceeding and provide your telephone and email address.
The Municipal Court has original jurisdiction over all motor vehicle matters, disorderly person complaints, fish and game violations, weights and measure complaints as well as local ordinance violations. Domestic violence matters and restraining orders often are initiated in the Municipal Court, where the Judge is on call 24 hours a day.
Many motor vehicle violations, unless serious, can be paid directly through the Municipal Court Violations Bureau at Borough Hall in Riverdale located at 91 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Riverdale NJ 07457 (the only forms of payment accepted in-person at our office are cash, personal checks, money orders, Mastercard and Visa) payments can also be made online at NJMCDirect, the New Jersey Municipal Courts website.
Click here to view NJ Municipal Courts online.
Opening Statement Video Link. ( ENGLISH / SPANISH )
If you need the service of an interpreter, please notify the municipal court administrator prior to your court appearance.
Please advise the municipal court office in advance if you require an ADA accommodation. The ADA Administrator is Elianna Kiesling, who can be reached at Court@RiverdaleNJ.gov
Expedited Expungement
If you are charged with a disorderly persons offense, petty disorderly persons offense, or a municipal ordinance violations, and those charges are either dismissed, you are acquitted, or your case is discharged without a conviction or finding of guilt, you may be eligible for an expedited expungement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:52-6. For more information and to determine if you are eligible, you may inquire with the municipal court at the time of disposition.
Mediation is a confidential, structured, non-adversarial process that allows a neutral third party to assist disputing parties in reaching a mutually acceptable solution. The mediation process can be a less expense, informal, and more meaningful alternative than the traditional trial process. This is because of the efforts of trained volunteers and the resolution being decided by the participants. The court will refer appropriate cases to mediation.
Municipal Court Judge: John A. Paparazzo
Municipal Prosecutor: James LaSala
Court Administrator: Elianna Kiesling
Public Defender: John Grey, Jr
We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States and this State.
Required to accomplish our mission are four paramount values representing the core of what we stand for as an organization:
- Independence
- Integrity
- Fairness
- Quality Service
Butler Municipal Court * Riverdale Borough Hall 91 Newark Pompton Turnpike
Riverdale, NJ 07457
Court Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30AM-4:30PM - Friday 8:30 AM-1:00PM
Court Phone Number: 973-835-1013
Court Sessions: First, Second and Third Tuesday of each month at 4PM
View our Violation's Schedule
View NJ Court MVC Point Schedule
Link to ALL Municipal Court Related Forms and Documents
How a Butler Court session proceeds:
Court begins at 4pm, at which time the Judge will advise all individuals of their rights in Municipal Court. He will then call the court calendar to determine who is present. Once this is complete, everyone will have an opportunity to speak to the prosecutor if they wish, the prosecutor will first speak to attorney's. After you have spoken to the prosecutor, you will go to the back of the courtroom and wait to be called by the Judge. Payment is expected on the night of court.
The Court accepts the following forms of payment
Cash - Check - Money Order - Visa - Mastercard